2024 Speaker Series
Save a Life: Raising the Bar on Oral Cancer Screening
7L CE | AGD 730 Oral Medicine, Oral Diagnosis, Oral Pathology
with Eva Grayzel
& Nevin Zablosky, DMD
Friday, December 6, 2024
8:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.
Maritime Conference Center
692 Maritime Blvd | Linthicum Heights
Classroom 2
Lunch is provided
Course Description:
Eva Grayzel transports dental professionals into the oral cancer patient’s experience sharing riveting details about her delayed diagnosis and finding the strength to persevere through the devastating effects of radical surgery and radiation. Audiences will be motivated with new thinking about oral cancer screenings and patient education. Her compelling narrative humanizes oral cancer, inspiring audiences professionally and personally.
The use of tobacco and nicotine products continues to create serious health compromises to those addicted to their use. The harmful effects to the lungs, heart, and many other organ systems will be discussed along with the varied significant compromises to the oral cavity, with the most dangerous being oral cancer. This program will also help wade through the various types of cigarettes, pipes, combustibles, non combustibles, and vaping products on the market today. We'll learn how companies keep modifying these products to adapt to the ever changing public health concerns and outcries. There will be a thorough review of the recent impact of e-cigarettes and JUULs on adults as well as elementary and secondary school students.
Course Objectives:
Participants in this course will gain knowledge in the following areas:
Integrate a standard of care for screenings with patient education;
Internalize the physical and emotional effects of a late stage oral cancer diagnosis. Understand long-term effects of radiation to the oral cavity;
Learn how to say you are sorry without admitting guilt;
Learn about the history of tobacco and nicotine products;
Know what tobacco and nicotine products are currently being used;
Understand how various products deliver nicotine;
Learn how e-cigarettes changed the approach of the tobacco industry to reach consumers;
Learn how the use of these products can compromise one’s systemic and oral health;
Understand how children’s health is being threatened by these products; and
Be better prepared to answer questions from patients, friends, and family members on this subject.
About the Speakers:
A master storyteller and caner survivor, Eva Grayzel first told her story at the 2003 National ADA conference on the main stage to 9,000 dentists. That’s when she knew she her story needed to be heard. Since then, she has become the voice for oral cancer, speaking internationally at dental, medical and survivorship conferences on the patient perspective. She is the founder of Six-Step Screening, an education initiative to raise awareness about signs and symptoms of oral cancer, for which she was awarded honorary membership to the American Academy of Oral Medicine. She is the author of two children’s books to empower children with coping skills and communication strategies when someone they know has cancer.
Dr. Nevin Zablotsky received his dental and postgraduate degree in periodontology from the Tufts University School of Dental Medicine. He has lectured throughout the U.S. and internationally on tobacco related issues, was a lecturer for the ADA Cell Seminar Series, lectured at the 2017 ADA Annual Meeting, twice at Yankee Dental Conference, and presently has two online courses for Proctor and Gamble Company. He recently authored a chapter on tobacco and oral health, and tobacco cessation in the periodontal text book, “Non-Surgical Control of Periodontal Diseases” and has numerous published articles on tobacco and nicotine issues. He received the Vermont Advocate of the Year award from the American Cancer Society and the lifetime achievement award for the Vermont Special Olympics and was the past president of the Vermont Periodontal Society. He presently is a senior consultant and lecturer on tobacco curricula at Nova Southeastern University Dental School.