Bringing you high-quality continuing education
2024 Speaker Series
The Maryland Academy of General Dentistry brings you high-quality continuing education throughout the year. Through our annual Speakers Series, we identify leaders in their fields to speak on topics relevant to your professional development and timely for your practice. The Speaker Series seminars are FREE to Maryland AGD members (registration still required) ! Not a member? Join us for a nominal fee or become a member! Learn more here.
Save a Life: Raising the Bar on Oral Cancer Screening
7L CE | AGD 730 Oral Medicine, Oral Diagnosis, Oral Pathology
with Eva Grayzel &
& Nevin Zablosky, DMD
Our engaging speaker transports dental professionals into the oral cancer patient’s experience sharing riveting details about her delayed diagnosis and finding the strength to persevere through the devastating effects of radical surgery and radiation. We'll explored the evolving world of tobacco and nicotine use, including vaping, and how to help your patients. You will be motivated with new thinking about oral cancer screenings and patient education.
December 6, 2024
Maritime Conference Center
May 17, 2024
Universities at Shady Grove
Creating Smile Design & Emergence Profile: Extraction & Grafting for Ideal Surgical Placement of Implants
7L CE | AGD 690 Implants
with Tim Kosinski, DDS
Patients often present to our dental practices with serious concerns and dental complications. Problems in the aesthetic zone can complicate our treatment options when we’re trying to provide a proper emergence profile and smile design in the front of the mouth. Patient satisfaction in regard to form and function is a challenge. But, with proper protocol and treatment planning, we can achieve a high degree of aesthetics without preparing the adjacent teeth.
The Not So Hidden Epidemic: Periodontitis & Peri-Implantitis
7L CE | AGD 490 Periodontics
with Lawrence R. Page, DDS, PhD &
Bruce P. Mandel, DDS
Routine treatment for periodontitis ignores monitoring for pathogenic microorganisms to determine disease-control success at all at-risk sites. The morning will cover effective methods for monitoring pathogenic infections as well as identify specific sites at high-risk. Then in the afternoon, we'll discuss the growing concern of peri-implantitis. Despite the success rates of dental implants, peri-implantitis presents as a more common complication. Understanding the prevalence, etiology, risk factors, and treatment options will advance the long term success of this modality for our patients.